Tag Archives: retarget strategy

Remarketing Strategies that Produce Results

Remarketing is the reintroduction of your website to previous visitors so they may return to your site and complete a purchase. It allows you to turn eCommerce cart abandonments into sales, increase your brand awareness & promote better visitor engagement.

Here are three remarketing tactics that will produce results for your company’s numbers.

Set realistic goals

Measurable, realistic goals will help you determine what remarketing strategies to use. Goals may include an increase in sales or improving the conversion rate of visitors into new customers. Research your target market and become more acquainted with their needs. That way, you will know what products to offer,  improvements to make to your website or how to word your ads.

Segment your audience

Segmenting your audience means determining their needs when they browsed your website. You can gauge this by establishing your website’s metrics. The metrics will record information like the number of people who searched for certain products or abandoned their shopping carts. This information will give you an idea of the demographics to remarket to later.

Cap the ad displays

Control how often you show your ads to a demographic. Ad overexposure will turn visitors away from your website, thus reducing traffic and your eCommerce conversion rate. Establish the maximum number of ad presentations in a day and even the ad content. That way, there is no risk of children and teenagers seeing ads they shouldn’t see.

Imperial Web Solutions can drive your business by offering customized internet marketing services that fit your budget and needs. This includes: effective PPC campaign set-up and management, organic SEO, social media marketing, blogging and content optimization, video and press release submission and much more. Call us at 1866.941.1932 for a quote.